# Navigation through lineages in BDV and TrackScheme views. In BDV and TrackScheme views, the focused spot is the last one selected. | **Action** | **Key** | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| | **_Navigation with the Focus in BDV views._** | | | Follow a spot across time within a track with the focus. | `↓` and `↑` | | Jump to the beginning of another branch. | `Control Alt ↑` | | Jump to the end of another branch. | `Control Alt ↓` | | **_Navigation with the Focus in TrackScheme._** | | | Follow a spot across time within a track with the focus. | `↓` and `↑` | | Move the focus around from one track or one track branch to another (i.e. navigate to sibling). | `←` and `→` | | Jump to the beginning of a branch. | `Alt ↑` | | Jump to the end of a branch. | `Alt ↓` | | Edit the label of the focused spot. | `Enter` |