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Mastodon documentation
A. Using Mastodon
Getting started with Mastodon. Automated tracking.
Manually editing tracks in Mastodon. TrackScheme.
Inspecting large datasets.
Numerical features and tags. The table view.
Semi-automated tracking.
The selection creator.
Scripting Mastodon in Fiji.
B. Keyboard shortcuts tables
Moving around in the BDV views.
Editing spots and links in the BDV views.
Moving around in the TrackScheme views.
Editing spots and links in the TrackScheme views.
Shortcuts for the table views.
Navigation through lineages in BDV and TrackScheme views.
Setting the selection.
C. Mastodon functionalities
Existing plugins
CSV importer
Statistics on nearest neighbors
Spot trajectory image extractor
Mastodon Deep Lineage - a collection of plugins to analyse lineages of tracked objects in Mastodon
D. Extending Mastodon
Mastodon data structures.
Creating custom plugins in Mastodon.
Custom simple numerical features in Mastodon.
E. Technical information
Mastodon numerical features.
The graph data structure of Mastodon.
Containment in Convex Polytopes using
-D trees.
Scripting functions
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